After reading Khoa's blog, I have been motivated to do this also.
1)My name is Chris Ngo.
2)I have a Vietnamese middle name.
3)I live a Vietnamese lifestyle.
4)I am the 3rd youngest of 4.
5)I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister.
6)I am a Junior in High School.
7)I am Vietnamese, but frequently mistaken as Filipino.
8)I eat a lot.
9)I have a thing for shoes.
10)I have, but don't use Facebook.
11)I have a girlfriend, to whom I'm committed to.
12)I like the color gray.
13)I used to play the piano, and violin.
14)I currently play backyard basketball and tennis.
15)I am not licensed. =(
16)I don't depend on my parents for money.
17)I have a mustache.
18)I wear hats the first week of a new haircut.
19)I like the sound of chain nets swishing.
20)I take night time showers.
21)My tooth brush is purple.
22)I listen to different kinds, but mainly R&B music.
23)I dislike going to the mall to just "chill".
24)I was born and raised in San Jose.
25)I attended Milpitas High since Freshman, but didn't move there until Sophomore Year.
26)I still keep in touch with my close childhood friends.
27)I go to sleep with the sound of music and babylove on the phone.
28)I believe if you want something, then you must stick with, and fight for it.
29)I dislike people who try to be funny or cool by doing rude things.
30)I hate people who disrespect females.
31)I went to Laneview Elementary and Morrill Middle School.
32)I stand 5'9".
33)I tend to find pencils and other stationary utensils on the ground.
34)Fighting is my last resort.
36)I like chillaxing at parks or other nice places.
37)I prefer cold > extremely hot days.
38)I'm in love.
39)When I go to Nob Hill, I order 2 pieces of Chicken Strips, 1/2 a lb. of Potato Wedges with BBQ and Ranch.
40)I don't settle for just one free sample at Costco.
41)Spicy and Sour food make me sweat.
42)I sweat easily.
43)I was in Choir in Middle School.
44)I like eating crab and lobster, but I hate getting my hands dirty.
45)I like burgers.
46)I drink 1 gallon jugs of water.
47)I have a fort of water bottles in my room.
48)I dress "nicely" on Wednesdays.
50)I walk into doors and walls in the dark...
That's all I have for now...I can't do this anymore!