This year's Christmas was more of a giving rather than receiving for me. This year, I gave a lot more than I received, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Joyful smiles that I see are good enough. I woke up with Babe calling, stayed in bed and texted her until my brother Dat came in and told me to get dressed. I washed up and headed downstairs, my mom saw me and was like "Hey Chris, I saw Molly's gift, where's mine? What happened to going everywhere and thinking about me?!" After that guilt trip, I had to run up stairs and tell Dat. The only reason why we didn't give them their gifts yet was because it wasn't wrapped =X I said fugg it, we put them in their appropriate gift boxes, tagged them, and then ran downstairs. It was cool, my mom then said "I was expecting kisses from each of you, not a gift.." Haha, I played Saints Row 2 most of the time, then relatives arrived, one by one. Dat and I left to Blockbuster for a quick minute to exchange some movies. They work on Christmas! Got home, more relatives arrived, then everyone began eating. After I ate, I just went around taking pictures. Went into the living room to take pictures of the kids, some of the adults were watching and so I thought, hey let's take a family picture. So I rounded up everyone, took about 15 minutes for everyone to get situated. It was nice, then everyone took individual/couple pictures. Christmas was cool.

Christmas EveBABY CAME TO VISIT! Last minute, unexpected but it was cute. She brought me two gift boxes, I told her I didn't get her anything but of course I did =) Thanks for the Bracelet, Flannel, and Jacket Babe. <3
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