Yesterday was pretty chill. I woke up and saw my little cousin Kym chillin with Molly. I just walked around, ate a bagel and drank some juice. I got bored so I played NBA 2K8, babe called after so I talked to her for a bit. I noticed that I still had her Hawaiian skirt thing, from Hawaiian day, so I told her that I was going to "call her back in a few minutes" so I went to drop it off at her house. SURPRISE! Her parents were coming home so I had to split, I said bye from a distance and then headed home. I showered, then noticed that Megan, Katie, and Co Vi were there. They biked from their house by Independence all the way to my house. shooot, Dat came home around 6:15, he changed, took a deuce then dropped me off. Met up with girlfriend and Vivian, then walked to Club Blood to meet up with the rest of the heads; Kevin, Brian, Angelica, Rowena, Michelle. Rhodan came later. I think the first one was the "scariest" we walked around, it was cool, ate Curly Fries and Breadsticks? Nob Hill! I went on Drop Zone or Drop Tower for the first time, shooot not as bad as I thought. Grizzly was cool Survivor was a pretty interesting ride. Delirium, Loggers Run not as great, Mazes were interesting. Finished around Midnight, waited for everyone to get picked up. Babe stayed with me, we talked while waiting for Deangelo. Met up with them, Jennica and Andy were in the car. Went to Quicklys right quick got some drinks and then headed home. Dropped babe off then me. went home, washed up, went to bed and called the boss.
*Thanks De, you're the man. Can't tell you how much I appreciate the favor.

yaaay, that's everyone.Babylove<3.
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