

We were finally able to accomplish a long awaited task on our "Things to do" list. I woke up early, well not really, talked to Babe until 9 or so, she left, finished up her homework and I got outta bed. Washed up, cleaned the bathroom, and then went downstairs to play GTA IV. It's pretty interesting, Babe called around 12:50 and told me she was going to get ready, so I was to. I met her up around 1:30 or so and then we went to the bus stop. Bus 66 was seen many times haha, we had a lot of false alarms for incorrect buses. Bus 47 was iffy, we didn't know if it would take us to Great Mall so we didn't trust it. We ended up hopping on Bus 46. Got to the Mall, bought the tickets, and then went to grab some grub. Decided on Pizza at Sbarro. I got the Baked Ziti Combo. It was pretty good, we saw Kevin, Kevin, and Corey. Babe saw some of her friends too. We ate, walked around for a bit, went into Spencers before the movie. I noticed, that everytime we went a mall together, we always went into Spencers, haha. The movie started at 4:10, we made it with enough time to spare. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist was a nice movie. I was satisfied, got to eat, watch a movie, and be with Babe. After we walked to the Bus Stop, got on, got to Nob Hill around 6:40ish, walked her home and then waited for my mom to pick me up. We went to Walgreens, Babe called, I got home and ate a little bit. Tomorrow's school -___-, BUT it's also OUR 7 Months <3 YAY. Hopefully we'll get to spend some time together.

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