Yesterday was IHS' Homecoming. It was alright, went with the girlfriend, Brian and Rose, and Phong. Mariel came over after I showered and found my dress shirt, we chilled for a bit, and then Brian came by with Phong. We then went to Rose's house to give her dress to her and all that. After, we switched cars and then headed to McDonalds because they were hungry. After that we took off to Inde, we were just standing outside, getting ready to go in, and then all of the sudden I felt something drop on my head, and right before my eyes it started pouring hella bad, we all just ran into the car and sat there. After, we took off and went in line, we cutted =X got our stamps and all that and then headed inside. I saw Mino/Amy, Sarah, Jessica, Jenniphher, Eidref, Leo, Annie, Brian, Klein, Tommy, BigHead, Madingding, Chris Soriano and Thomas and some other heads. It was cool, at first no one danced, and like after half an hour or so there was like a mob of people dancing so we joined. It was alright. We then met up, it was pretty cold, headed to Rose's house again, she changed, switched cars, and then headed to Rose's restaurant to drop off the car, and then headed to Denny's. Babe and I shared a Western Burger w/
Seasoned Fries, and a side of Onion Rings. They gip you on Onion Rings, gave us hella little. Brian and Rose got like Meat Lovers breakfast, looked pretty crazy. We just chilled, Phong bounced, and then yeah. We were just playing with camera's, because Brian and Rose picked up an XSI, hella nice, the LCD screen is hella big compared to my XT's. It was cool, we then dropped off babe, then headed to drop me off. Thanks again guys. It was nice chillin with them again after so long, but those nigs have been busy with work.
Today, I woke up around 12, went downstairs and like always, no one was home, I played GTA IV, babe called, talked to her, Mom, Molly, and Kym came home, brought in stuff from the car, then went back up to bed. Laid in there, talked to babe, went downstairs for dinner around 5-6, then went to Mervyns, didn't get home until 8ish, got home, showered, and now I'm here. We have school tomorrow, and then no school Tuesday -____-, they should just give us Monday off too.

The Married Couple!

& This is MY Pie Crust=).

I'm hella not white.

"Can I get a smawwshing?" HAHAHA