14 Months, One year and Two, Just another added on, to me and you.
I usually go on about how we are and such, but now, I'm at the point where I would feel empty, incomplete so to say, if I was to be without you. It's a never be without typa deal. You went from being my girlfriend, to my one and only, to my lover, to my best friend, and to becoming my better half. In my name, you're like the first letter, the C, that how big of a role you play for me. We could be on the phone, not saying one word, but the comfort of knowing that you're there with me, is enough to ease me to sleep. We could get mad, we could fight, but aside from being alone and sad, what else would that bring us? So why do it? We've grown, as a couple, as individuals, as lovers. I'm proud to say that you're mine. And I intend to keep it that way. We didn't get to see or spend time together today, but we'll make up for it, we always do. We, you and me, always. The first person I talk to when the sun's in sight, and the last person I hear before I sleep at night. The Dream Team. 10 minutes being with you, than a whole day with anyone else. The things we stand for, the things that we're about. Still stands strong with me. Call it crazy, but that's what I am, crazy about you. Call it amazing, but that's what it is, that's what you are. I call it real, I call it love, I call it us.
Truth be told, Without any hesitation, I love you Mariel Ashley Soriango, best believe that.

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