

I limped my ass around school today, lol. Tuan and Tim thought I had something up my ass or that I had to take a deuce. BigheadRich thought I was tryna woddle to not crease my st33's -___-. everyone else, who was normal asked me why I was limping, it was cool, nothing too bad, hopefully it'll be better by tomorrow. Dream Team VS Golden Pair. I just hate how slow I am hahaha. teacher in my 1st period told me I made very "accurate, precise and well-thought out answers" !! score. 2nd period we were drawing in the dark, it was pretty cool. break I limped my ass to my locker with Tofu. 3rd was alright, watched a video. 4th was alright, went over a practice quiz, tomorrow is our first real quiz. lunch was cool, had no grapes, so throwing them was out of the question. they had bananas though, Michelle wanted a banana, I grabbed her a gross ass one, HAHAHA. walked to my locker with Tim, dropped off shiet, then walked to babes locker to put the math book in. I limped my ass to the lunch line and grabbed her a decent banana and limped my ass all the way back to her locker to stick it in there. I don't think she knows it was me though. 5th was relaxed, 6th was cool too, Ray Hoang was a new addition to the Office Aids. so it's me, Robin, and now Ray. they're cool. I took off early after school. finished all my homework, I gotta hop on my permit, foreals.

good for you, I won't be in your way. Fly.

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