

yesterday school was alright, afterschool hit for a little bit, strings snapped, then met up with the girlfriend. hung out, as usual didn't know where to go. I like spending time with her. got picked up by Dat, met up with Hobo at a Coffee Shop, chilled, then went to Frys.

school was alright today, 1st period I presented my groups creation story. I did a "good job" and I "presented it professionally" heehee. drawing was alright, I finally purchased my sketchpad. break, walked to babe's locker to leave a bottle of Snapple, she had a headache. but I found out she didn't even drink it! -___- 3rd was cool, I guess I'm getting caught more and more everyday because I'm talking. 4th was alright, wrote my everyday letter to babe ;D then just did the warm-up + work. lunch was okay. 5th was laid back, talked to Mannix about cars and shiet. Office Aid was alright, walked around delivering fat loads of paper with Robin. my first personal delivery was to babe's class. HAHA E05. I didn't know until I was about to leave and she said "hey!" nice nice. finished deliveries then just went back to the office and alphabetized things. afterschool my mom called and said, "come out now, or I'll leave you." haha I had no choice, didn't get to walk with babe to her locker or mines. got home and my pink slip came in, it's literally pink. who knew? just need to schedule an appointment to get my permit, I regret not taking action earlier like during the summer, I could've already gotten my license...with the help of Rich I managed to get my things shipped, Nudies should be coming in Wednesday at the latest. babe called earlier, it was nice to say Hi and all that, talked with her for a bit and now I just need to finish up all my homework, weekends coming around, hopefully I get my haircut too.

she's been looking quite nice lately. Cardigans, Flats/Authentics, V-Necks, Curled Hair, Clipped Bangs, Bracelets. adorable. I noticed. haha <3 you still look like a gorilla to me babe.

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