the cousins from Florida were leaving this morning, Amelia and Molly came in extra early, 5 AM to be exact to wake my ass up. i was too lazy, laid in bed until 5:20 then decided to go get ready. we left the house at 6 or so, it was still dark outside. went to SJC then checked them in and all that, the time of their flight came close so we all said bye and all that. right when we left the airport and thought everything was all good, i get a call from Amy, "hey our flight got delayed" so we drove all the way back and waited with them, after like an hour of negotiation their next flight was at 11. they had to be on the plane half an hour early. after i crashed for a bit, woke up around 4-5 then met up with Truffle Shuffle to go to Yellowstone to meet up with Fabian, Dan, and Josh came a little later. i haven't hit with those guys for awhile. i suck ass though, we played til 8ish, it was fun, i need to make sure i hit with them more often, can't fall behind the '08 tennis team.

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