

I guess you can say things started coming to a stop after Saturday evening. Maybe because that was the last time I seen you, or maybe that's just how it is. Whatever the reason may be, I am beginning to notice more and more how fragile we have become. Seems like there is no longer solid support holding us up. Whatever the problem may be, it seems to be winning as of now. Maybe this is as far as we can go. We haven't been arguing much, so I guess that is a good thing, but we haven't been talking much neither. Who knows now.


Unknown said...

Nice blog !!!
Thiet ke nha dep
Thi cong nha xuong
Biet thu dep
Nha pho dep
Cong ty nha vui

Unknown said...

You DO NOT closure before
you're a Christian, pal:
1-outta-1 bites-the-dust, dood,
and if yoo aint a Christian,
I fear for your indelible soul.

Q: Mostly everyone believes in a Seventh-Heaven, right? Right. Where we can be free4eternity to anything we wanna besides Mass on Sundays... yet, do you believe in a Hell?
A: If you dont, Jesus does: YOU send yourself to a realm beneath this earth for mortal sin WITHOUT repentance after this finite existence.

1-outta-1 bites-the-dust, bro... yet, that certainly aint TheEnd: we're all Divinely Judged according to OUR deeds on this earth; TheEnd comes when we see eternal Seventh-Heaven -OR- the Abyss o'Misery which is also eternal. never ending. infinite.

Wonder why
people CHOOSE Hell?
Worshipping allah the
superficial indifference
of this whorizontal world:
only 2 realms after our
lifelong demise, folks...
and 1 of em aint too cool.
It really helps you if
have a head injury...

God bless your indelible soul.

Yes, earthling, Im an NDE.