saturday again, bored outta my mind. this morning I went to go watch Hung play his league match, lost first set, won second, leading in third with set score 4-1 but the dude caught up and won 4-6. bummer, the dude was consistent as hell though, bursts of energy would randomly sprout of of the dude's shots, "this only means that all you need to do is get better Hung." recapping for the week, holy shiet it was as hot as f_ck this week, high's at 109 Fahrenheit, possibly higher. I'm am really relieved to hear that everything is gonna go back to normal next week, with high's in the 80's max! I watched
I think I love my wife today, it was a pretty interesting movie. Chris Rock starred and help wrote the movie. the things that happen in marriages are pretty darn crazy. "
I stopped complaining about the things I don't have, and started appreciating the things I do" I like those type of quotes. holding it down!! shoot, I have realized things, "Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies" don't get it twisted. I'm confused.
for some reason, every slow jam I listen to, I can always relate it to us, in a good way though. I guess expressing feelings through music isn't bad, and is somewhat normal. sometimes I lose sight of everything, but I think about you and what we have, and I guess, no I am sure this is something good, we are gonna keep this going, pull through, and hold on tight. "you got a good thing going on here" replied "yeah, keeper." it should only be getting better, no more going down, no games, or fooling around. I wanna keep this, show you what I can do. just hope that this is how you feel, somehow, one way or the other. -but this is just me. yeah, I know, "don't worry" got it boss.
+*picked up some grails.
if you're lucky, you'll be able to take a glimpse of what I got this time 'round =D
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